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 2024年7月27日(土) 14:34 JST

Information for Authors

GAS (Game Amusement Society) annually publishes The Journal of Game Amusement Society, in order to provide an opportunity for GAS members to internationally disclose their unique study results for the development of the theory and methodology regarding the field of games and amusement, and related fields such as technologies, education, psychology, cognitive science, cultural studies, industry, art and so on. This journal is also to popularize the application for these areas.

I.Classification of Papers

A. Full Paper

Full papers are related to the research, development, and practice in academic, educational and industrial areas. The papers present the novel, reliable, usable, and beneficial results of the authors research. Standard page length is 8 pages (not restricted).

B. Short Paper

Short papers are associate class of full papers. Short papers also present the novel, reliable, usable, and beneficial results of the authors' research, but, the value is not sufficient for Full Papers. Standard page length is 6 pages (not restricted).

C. Technical Report

Technical Reports are articles which include clear technical descriptions about research motivation, method and results. The article also required originality and reliability. It is not necessary to describe strict evaluation or detailed related work. Standard page length is 4 pages (not restricted).

II.Condition for Submission

  1. Paper submission is basically NOT limited to GAS regular members.
  2. Summited papers should not be in the process of being reviewed by other academic societies, and most of the contents should be unpublished. However, this policy is not applied for papers which summarize oral presentations given at international conferences, annual meetings, technical workshops, and so on.


  1. The comprehensive copyright of the papers or articles published in The Journal shall be subject to GAS, including the electronic usage of the papers or articles. It is permissible for the author to utilize his or her essay in the form of a duplicate, translation, or adaptation.
  2. However, in the case where the paper or its translation is to be totally or partially placed in a different publication, this should be noted by GAS and the reference must be clearly notified. For partial usage, the reference should be given below the document or diagram. Adjustments may be made if it is difficult for the copyright to be subject to GAS from the following reasons:
    1. When the content of the article is not only related to the author(s) but also to the organization to which the author(s) belong, and the consent by the organization could not be gained.
    2. When the author(s) does not wish to transfer the copyright for papers, such as special lectures given for GAS.
  3. For citing other publications, the following should be kept in mind:
    1. Be careful of copyrights for the documents to be cited.
    2. Gain prior consent of the author and the publisher, when citing diagrams, tables, or pictures from other books or magazines.
    3. Manuscripts shall be prepared following the instructions above and Author(s) should sign a publication agreement to publish the paper.

IV.Handling of Papers

  1. Submitted papers shall be peer-reviewed and classified.
  2. Upon examination by the editorial member in charge, by the reviewers, and the editorial committee papers will be handled as one of the following.
    1. Accept: Published as it was submitted.
    2. Accept in another category: Accept the paper but in another category
    3. Conditional Accept: Conditions shall be made for parts unqualified for publication, and shall be published only if the requirements are met by making necessary corrections.
    4. Conditional Accept in another classification: Conditions shall be made for parts unqualified for publication, and shall be published as another classification of papers only if the requirements are met by making necessary corrections.
    5. Reject: Not published and sent back to the author(s) for not meeting the criteria of publication or not satisfying the conditions for publication.

V. Peer Review Process

  1. The Peer Review Process on GAS Editorial Committee is shown below.
    1. GAS Office receives papers from authors
    2. Editorial Committee assigns an editor (a few weeks)
    3. Editor assigns peer reviewers (1 week)
    4. Peer reviewers report the review results to editor (3 weeks)
    5. Editor report the total review result to editorial board (1 week)
    6. Editorial Board discuss and approve the review result
    7. Office informs the review result to the author
    8. if conditional acceptance is granted
      1. Authors modify the paper following the peer review result (3 weeks)
      2. Office receive modified paper and modification comments by authors
      3. Peer reviewers report the review results to editor (3 week)
      4. Editor report the total review result to editorial board (1 week)
      5. Editorial Board discuss and approve the review result
      6. Office inform the review result to the authors
    9. if accepted
      1. Office receives specified documents and final papers by authors
      2. Final manuscripts send to the authors (for check)
      3. Office receive the erratum
      4. Publish the journal

VI. Manuscript Format

  1. General Formatting Points
    1. Submitted manuscript should be written in English.
    2. Page size of the manuscript is A4 portrait (21cm x 29cm).
    3. Initial manuscript should use 10pt Times font in double columned format.
    4. The number of pages including the figures shall be basically within 8 pages.
  2. General style points: The manuscript should include title, name of author, abstract, body text, reference, and appendix, in the order listed. Figures may be attached together at the end.
    1. Title: The title should be of reasonable length.
    2. Abstract: The abstract should be within 150 words, and about 5 Keywords should be listed below the abstract.
    3. Body Text: The body text shall be made easier to read by putting chapter, section, clause and item names before paragraphs. All headings shall have their numbers and alphabetic names in the following order. (Example)
      1. Chapter 1
      1.1 Chapter 1, Section 1
      1.1.1 Chapter 1, Section l, Clause 1
      (1) Item 1
      (a) Detail Item 1
      (b) Detail Item 2
      (2) Item 2
      1.1.2 Chapter 1, Section 1, Clause 2
    4. Reference: The number of the reference listed, which is directly related to the content, shall be indicated above the related text in parenthesis ( ). The following are examples of the references: (Examples)
      (1) Johnson, R.S. and Sakutaro, U.: "Analysis of Game Interaction", Int. J. of Cognitive 
      (2) Maria, A., Riichi, U. and Mana, W.: "A Human Model of Training with Video Games", in 
    5. Appendix: When details such as explanations for long formulas of induction, application, or computing equipment are necessary, it is desirable to attach this information as an appendix.
    6. Figures: Figures shall be prepared clearly, since they will be printed without modification.
    7. Diagrams and Tables: Diagrams and tables shall be numbered serially throughout the paper. The title for diagrams shall be indicated below the column and titles for tables shall be indicated above.
    8. Pictures: Pictures shall be handled as diagrams, and they shall basically be black-and-white

VII. Submitting Instructions

Papers should be submitted via the web submission system accessible at the following URL or E-mail.

VIII. Publishing Cost

At least 50 copies shall be applied for by all of the authors. The table below shows the prices in US dollars due according to the page number and number of copies. The Editorial committee shall make the decision if the following numbers do not apply.
Table 1: Publishing Cost (in US$)
50 copies 100 copies 150 copies 200 copies
1page $50.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00
2page $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00
3page $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 $300.00
4page $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 $350.00
5page $250.00 $300.00 $350.00 $400.00
6page $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 $450.00
7page $350.00 $400.00 $450.00 $500.00
8page $400.00 $450.00 $500.00 $550.00
9page $450.00 $500.00 $550.00 $600.00
10page $500.00 $550.00 $600.00 $650.00

IX Contact Address

Game Amusement Society Office:
ZIP 575-0063
Kiyotaki 1130-70, Shijyounawate city, Osaka, JAPAN
TEL +81-72-876-3317
Osaka Electro-Communication University
Shijyounawate Campus, Game Science Labo.

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